Getting Underneath


Following my son’s lead, I get to see things from below. Because of that, my vision is growing.

In these last few devastating and mind expanding months - with 90% of my work cancelled into the fall- I’ve had the time to truly look at what I am seeing. What’s underneath the layers of dissonance and distraction - personally and socially. I can’t lie, it hurts, it’s devastating, it’s heavy. Yet our collective vision is expanding.

We are being shown that all the seemingly impossible ways we could adapt and change human behavior are actually possible. I’m seeing the limits I’ve placed on my dreams and I’m slowly reconnecting to the wild underbrush that needs tending.

Imagine: Shaping a new world, outside the frameworks of domination and oppression. Engaging with modes of being (with self and with others) where new definitions of community can be built and networks of belonging can bloom.

There is a Portal offers performance and pedagogy to develop a skilled practice of tending our own deep roots of possibility.

Image by Gazelle Samizay

Image by Gazelle Samizay

With my community pedagogy and engagement team, we’ve been moving toward the most expansive and generous vision for There is a Portal. I am thinking deeply about how the work can be an immersive audio and video digital experience that retains the deeply intimate, personal, and connected feeling that a live show offers (have ideas and resources, let me know).

All of this requires that I second guess my doubts, that I refuse to be paralyzed by the anger I feel, and that I keep looking hope in the eyes. Can you hear the cheep-cheep-cheep of your soul’s song, calling you to feed it? What wild dreams do you want to reconnect with? Get underneath the doubt and sadness and reconnect.

Image by Gazelle Samizay

Image by Gazelle Samizay