Moving from one stage to another, the plants remind us to mark time with rituals, gatherings, and remembering. The change, ushered in by the seasons, is both mundane and magical.
For the last 20 years, I’ve been using theater as a form of social change. It’s always humbling and magical to see the subtle, simple, yet magical shifts in participants as they process stories and unearth their own.
New Mexico has its own Portals!
The trees create a carpet of gold in my garden.
There is a Portal returned from the Imagining America 20th Anniversary National Gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico! We presented the work and held a discussion on the potential for this project to bring about transformative shifts in consciousness and community engagement.
What would we need to bring such lofty goals to fruition using tools of theater and storytelling?
We received wonderful feedback and invitations to campuses around the country!
We continue to experiment in classroom settings. Wednesday Nov. 13th at the New School we will be in Professor Allison Guess’ seminar: Race, Space and Dispossession. The class will experience the performance, engage in discussion, and create their own creative pieces that speak to the course goals.
There is a Portal will be presented at Queens College on December 9th, at 12:15pm in the Library — President’s Conference Room II — on the 5th Floor
The project map looks like an Anar! (Pomegranate) with a million delicious seeds inside!
There is a stellar advisory group/learning collective generating ideas about how this project can create networks of belonging across CUNY campuses. … Imagine being welcomed into your educational journey through theater, storytelling, place-based learning, interaction with the natural world around the campus and building reciprocal empathy wit your classmates? …. Well, we’re going to build it! (I keep threatening a crowd funder and it’s coming!)