On Monday, April 18, while SCOTUS hears oral arguments in the case against immigration action, I'll moderate a discussion celebrating our undocumented heritage -- and launch my new project - Documented cIRCA 86: Immigration Reform Turns Thirty!
Through telling stories of those documented 30 years ago, under Reagan's Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), and hearing stories of those waiting for reform today, we will chip away at the stereotypes and misinformation that persist understanding of what reform truly means for our country.
Some of the folks documented cIRCA86 include politicians, doctors, grandfathers, artists, pastry chefs, garment workers, educators, mothers, labor union organizers and sheriffs. Go back a few generations, and there are even more stories!
It can't be said enough, we are a nation of immigrants! Recognizing those who have contributed to this country is part of our history. If we uplift the stories, appreciate theinfluence, and honor the hard work of those who are already a part of this nation, we can eliminate oppression.
Join us Monday night, 6-8pm in NYC to connect, heal, and remember what we already know: new immigrants are a nutrient for our nation. Let's take our vitamins and support each other as we push our nation towards humane reform!
Monday April 18, 6-8pm CUNY Grad Center
365 Fifth Ave. Rm 9205 & 9206