Women theater activists meet in NYC.
I can’t seem to turn on the news without having violence, persecution, oppression and the worst of human behavior splashed in my face. Yesterday, I was speaking to my partner’s ex-roommate and he, teasingly, asked me what war-torn part of the world was I planning to visit next? The truth is I’ve had many impulses to run away and try to heal the pain of the world — somewhere else — but I’m counseling myself to stay here.
If I can give to others, can I give to myself? Can I trust that developing my mind, my talents, my dreams in the place that I’ve made for myself, be of value?
Flowers from my garden.
I’m not talking about withdrawing, shutting my eyes, or saying that issues that don’t effect me are not my problem. I am saying that the world needs us to go for what we want most. Our deepest desires and potential need to be acted upon so that we are strong and smart and open to figuring out new ways of doing things.
We won’t know how to transform situations and lives on the other side of the world (literally or metaphorically) if we haven’t had the practice of transforming ourselves.
Stay Here. What does that mean to you?
For me, it means the FIRST public reading of my fiction writing. (You are all invited!)
It means taking a new project with Literacy Partners where I will co-create a curriculum and teach adult ESL that includes information on child development and how parents can help children grow their minds.
I will build my life with my partner, friends, community, family. Make art: write, collaborate, share.
This dad knows what he’s doing. … So tell me, what about you?